Monday, February 14, 2011


by Ir. Ade muhammad, M, Han.Pengamat Pertahanan dan Keamanan

A Policy Formulation and Implementation’s
Executive Summary
by Ir. Ade Muhammad, M.Han

From the Dutch Indies Veldpolitie or the field police until 1940, to the Japanese occupation during WW II brought changes when the Japanese arrived and reformat police under military forces then the Indonesian police was established in 1946. since then the Indonesian police (Polisi Republic Indonesia – POLRI) placed under National Military Forces known as ABRI(Angkatan Bersenjata Republic Indonesia – Republic Indonesia’s Armed Forces).
Under law of reformation in Security Sector Tap MPR no VI/MPR/2000 and more clear with additional Tap MPR no.VII/MPR/2000, the separation of POLRI from ABRI was becoming clear agenda. The idea is to strengthen civil society with promoting better law and order.
Strategic Analysis of the problem
With the shocking democracy in Indonesia, the Indonesian immature democracy system’s creates elected people but not selected peoples. The low quality of elected people becomes Parliament members. So the result there was a misinterpretation about strengthening Civil Society correlation with National Security. Basically used to be National Defense and Security becoming role of the ABRI, with Police separation from ABRI, the role divided into separable between TNI (Army, Air Force and Navy) in charge in National Defence POLRI in charge with National Security.
The National Security roles that should be played with several state agency (actors) now dominated by the “new” POLRI. Also in the role of State Investigator that should be played with District Attorney, Intelligence, Revenue Services, also Police in certain degree of case, but the new law gave another power to the POLRI to become Monopoly in this role.
This Strategic Error continues with non integrated reformation in Rule of Law System (Police only without reform in Penal and Justice), principles of militarism still applied (from the philosophy, structure, management, rank, culture), no oversight body from the Parliament or Government, the position are the same with department or ministries makes them equal to fight the budget in the parliament.
The implications in Security Sector are narrow interpretation of National Security, stove piping to other agencies, police revenge to military forces, replacing military in the role of power tools not tools of law and justice system (secret police style), instable and corrupt institution, inefficient and ineffective police role performance, distrust by society and other agencies, in the short term become super-institution.
Whilst the Military under TNI follows the reformation agenda, becoming under the Ministry of Defense and separate it’s military judicial system under Civil Supreme Court (Japan approach), POLRI enjoys the position the same with other ministries. This invites instable relationship between TNI and POLRI because higher position of the POLRI.More than 100 recorded arms conflict caused human injuries and death since 2000, mostly triggered by “overacting” of POLRI action to the TNI.
Other benchmarking are comparing with two major systems of Police. The US. Police System with no National Police and all police department are under State, City and County level. Second is the Japan Police System with National Police under Ministry of Interior. While POLRI enjoys the position under the Head of the State (President), this made Indonesian Police system to be the highest position of in the world.
Generation of alternative
First step is to review and redefine the National Security Strategy. Take consideration about the more decentralization model of police to adjust with new decentralization in the government.
There are two model approaches to be considered; the US model without National Police suitable for Federation type state. The second is the Japan model with centralized National Police for unitary type state. Redefine the position of police level in state structure also important, under State Government or MoI.
Put a standard management to handle National Security with several state agency integrated involvement. Get help from the International if we have to. Then is strategic to train and equipped the Parliament member for the proper knowledge and legal drafting about the ideal police in Indonesia.
The vision of new Indonesian Police is Focus on Local Security – Order and based on local Culture. The new design should be; require new National Law regulating Indonesian Police, distribution under the Provincial Government without central or National Police to support decentralization (federalization) system in Indonesia (US. Model).Adapt the local content such as personnel, self sustain funding from local government, as well culture (exp. the Pecalang, tradition police of BalineseKingdom) with the international professionalism. Ministry of Interior as National Oversight Board (to avoid abuse of Police force to the bad interest of local politician) as well the Provincial, City also District Government level in Oversight bodies hierarchy. National efforts of the MoI to demilitarization, education and assist the Provincial-City-District government to develop their own Police departement. Dismissal of the POLRI Paramilitary troop (Brigade Mobil – Mobile Brigade) and strengthen new local Police with SWAT capability. Relocate the Detachment 88 of former POLRI counter terrorist under Ministry of Internal Affairs with a new National Criminal Agency for Trans-jurisdiction and extreme criminal response service (similar to MI 5 -UK or FBI-US).
The implementation will proceed soonest after the new laws pass the Parliamentary. The preparation for Provincial-city-district government management to take over responsibility of Police department should be taken in the same time of Parliamentary process. This would be have some anticipated challenges; from POLRI old style generals, political movement and lobby by POLRI to prevent new law, possibility mutiny from the POLRI’s Brigade Mobil, strong military culture, unprepared Provincial Government levels to the below standard’s human resource.
These challenges should be answer with proper sub-strategy and following by change management. The sub-strategies are; Engage Academics/Universities, Parliamentary Education and Public participation, Golden Shake hand. The change management following the each sub-strategy are; involving the former old general police into academic contribution and earn new professors tittles – also universities could give the contribution to help the government as well parliament to build new police department, parliamentary assistance by the capable consultant to make a better law and involving public participation, attractive benefit for encouraging early retirement of POLRI member.

Sources :
fungsi pengawasan
rekening hebat
rekening polri
penyerangan pospolisibatam
Bentrok Polisi dan Tentara di Papua Karena Emosi dan Kurang Komunikasi
Kapolri Berjanji Tindak Pelaku Bentrok di Papua
Mengatasi Bentrok TNI-Polri
Japan Police system
US. Police system
Metropolitan Police
Universal Police system

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