Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Urgency of Protocol to Legislative 
By David Raja Marpaung

       The word comes from the Greek Protocol Protos: which means "the first", and "Kolla", which means glue or adhesive. As a whole, the protocol can be interpreted as the first piece of the order or decision of the king to the people.
In the Encyclopedia Britannica, 1962, the definition of the protocol is as:

"Protocol is a ceremonial body of rules to be observed in all official written or personal intercourse between the different heads of states or their Ministers, it lays down the styles and titles of states or their Ministers and indicates the forms and customary courtesies to be observed in all international acts "
(A protocol is a set of ceremonial rules in all official activities organized written and practiced, which includes the forms of respect for the country, as head of state or minister positions commonly found in all activities between nations)

Protocol definitions used in all process state is also contained in the legislation or law in Indonesia. Under Law No. 9 of 2010 Concerning Protocol, in Article 1, paragraph 1; Protocol is a series of activities related to the rules of the formal state occasion or event which includes Tata place, Tata Ceremony, and Tata Respect as a tribute to someone according to the position and / or position in the state, government, or society.

The existence of this protocol sendriri rule is not without meaning. Protocol turned out to have a purpose, among others:
a) paying tribute to State Officials, Government Officials, representatives of foreign countries and / or international organizations, as well as Community Leader Specific, and / or guests in the State in accordance with the position of the state, government, and society;
b) provide guidelines for the implementation of a program to run orderly, neat, smooth, and regular in accordance with the applicable rules and customs, both nationally and internationally, and
c) create good relations between nations in the governance of the association.

Once the importance of protocol problems, so this should be emphasized in the explanation of the Act Protocol; explained the importance or urgency of the protocol that the State respect the position of the State Officials, Government Officials, representatives of foreign countries and / or international organizations, and community leaders with Tata Specific regulation of Protocol . Protocol settings is needed to adjust to the dynamics of a growing and developing in the state system, culture, and traditions of the nation.

At the operational level, the importance of a protocol are:
1. Also determine the creation of atmosphere / climate that affect the success of a business.
2. Creating the association are closer to each other and can be accepted by all parties, although it contains elements that restrict personal movement.
3. Creation of a solemn ceremony, orderly, and well
4. The creation of the protection.
5. Creation of order and security in performing their duties.

With the development tekini, the protocols in the world in general has a duty commonly encountered are:
1. Compile a list with all levels.
2. Compile / make invitations
3. Regulate the location and completeness of the event / ceremony.
4. Arrange events
5. Prepare and complete event / ceremony
6. Ensuring a comfortable atmosphere / place for the invited
7. Dividing the task.

Protocols and Rights of State Officials

The protocol is important because it involves the imaging and rights owned by the person who held the position of either the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Here is seen the degree to which the person is respected or not, important or not important is determined by the protocol. For example, when members of Parliament traveling overseas for a working visit, the state attended a welcome member of the Indonesian parliament through protocol events in each event to nationality.

Thus, in a state occasion or formal event, state officials, government officials who do not earn respect and appropriate treatment protocol is a violation of his position on charges of "abuse of office".

In the world of protocol, known what obless Nobless name, it means that every nobleman (in the present state officials or government officials), it is obliged to uphold the commitment that all of it is set in great detail in the protocol, which means sitting arranged, how talk and so on.

In Law No. 9 of 2010, listed in Article 9 that the chairman, vice chairman, and a member of the legislature has the right to place in the Event Planning and Events Official State in the Capital of the Republic of Indonesia. So that each member of the MPR, DPR, DPD and should have a prominent place in every state occasion and formal ceremony was held in the Republic of Indonesia.

To implement the protocol field, in Indonesia, each state institutions such as the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), the House of Representatives (DPR), and the Regional Representative Council (DPD) has a Head of Protocol. In areas with a combined protocol Bureau of Public Relations.

Based on the above; important role in the activities of organizations such as the protocol legislature must be addressed and managed professionally. Knowledge of protocol to be very important because it is essentially a protocol service activities socially appropriate norms and rules of both national and international, so as to achieve the satisfaction of all parties.

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