Saturday, May 12, 2012

Building a Better Indonesia Intelligence

Building a Better Indonesia Intelligence
By David Raja Marpaung

As the intelligence agencies, at least there are three main tasks to be done, namely the function of investigation, raising functions, and security functions. Various views and opinions of increasingly loud sounds in the media since the reform era. But unfortunately, many more negative opinions or views of the developing world, compared to positive issues outstanding. 

This is not apart from the involvement of individual members and BIN (National Inteligence Agency) officials in some cases the law, especially its links with human rights activist Munir's death, BIN face protective equipment and should be an antidote to internal and external threats, turned into a figure which is an extension of the ruler; in this government. BIN and often can not be separated from co-optation of government officials. The main functions and tasks of the actual BIN related with the problem of terrorism or threats of domestic and overseas that could endanger national stability. So a strange thing, if all the problems that occur in this country becomes BIN responsibility.

Understanding the Function of Intelligence

         BIN is actually not as intelligence agencies that wrong or useless, but  its job and qualification depens on to the user which is the President as Head of Government. Based on empirical facts, wherever in this world that the country's powerful intelligence will be strong. America has the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is very popular in the cold war era up to now, while Russia has a very famous KGB foreign intelligence and expert in counter-intelligence. Mossad also stunned the world are very good at treating the conflict in the Middle East, so that the Arab countries look helpless against a small country like Israel.

From the example above shows that the role of intelligence was really important when used purely for the sake of the safety of the state. So that the authority of the investigation, raising, and security, and so is an essential function that must be possessed to be able to carry out intelligence work

Intelligence agencies will be crippled if one of its functions is cut or not running optimally. For example, if the intelligence is only authorized investigation, the BIN is like a toothless tiger, or Sukhoi without missiles. Functions of investigation can be done even better by the media or the social and political researcher. So it should be understood that the activity consists of Investigation Intelligence, Raising, and security, so that all three activities that must be attached to your body and the new Intelligence could carry out the task

One case that can be taken is how to deal with terrorist groups in Indonesia. For example  on results of the investigation there is information that a group of terrorist activities and plotting to blow up the bomb. Having no known information and activities, but they are not directly captured into the first agent infiltrated the group to perform in depth and with affect are made, the next activity in the final stage to implement the task of security activities that make an arrest. And when it secured later in the interrogation and sufficient appropriate evidence of new criminal acts submitted to the Police for further processing and forwarded to the Court.

Weak Intelligence Agency in the Reformation era as allowing the emergence of terrorist groups that conduct terror bombings, suicide bombings, bomb the book, and so forth. It is actually not one of intelligence, but which one is the user should the people who use it.Just as the knife at home ladder to cut up tomatoes and onions and so forth, but when used to kill people, "then we should not blame the knife is not the case," that one is not the knife but the wrong people who use it ".

Reliable intelligence

BIN should practice his professional and reliable personnel and adequate equipment, and have the ability to tackle terrorism and other threats against the Homeland.However, despite the strength of BIN personnel, the state must provide an environment mempu a good atmosphere, so that members are not shy or hesitant to do intelligence work.

The success is also supported by the existence of intelligence Intelligence Act which protects intelligence tasks. But now that the Intelligence Act enacted last year is in the process of judicial review in the Constitutional Court. Second, is the leadership factor. Leadership, should be in dealing with legal cases related to each BIN there leader who dare to take responsibility and risks, and not sacrifice men. The third, quality of management and human resources. However great the personnel, but if not properly set and the ability to be improved will be in vain. Fourth, facilities and infrastructure and systems of work, both concepts are closely related to the support level of effectiveness and success in the field of intelligence operations.Fifth, the special authority. With the existence of a special authority, the BIN can move more freely and accelerated well. Even this special authority. should have the support of the legislature and the public. Sixth, the budget factor and its use. One of the major factors fall collapse of the KGB in the 1990s is a remarkable corruption and improper use of the budget, so the state can no longer finance intelligence. During this budget BIN get sizable donations from the government, but its use is expected to be effective and efficient

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