Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Threat to Pancasila as Indonesia Ideology

Threat to Pancasila as Indonesia Ideology
By David Raja Marpaung S.IP M.Def

A. Background
     In daily life, the term ideology is generally used as the sense of life in both of thinking and acting (in Indonesia Language said as pedoman hidup).  Ideology can be divided into two terms of understanding, first ideology in a broad sense, second ideology in the strict sense. In a broad sense, ideology refers to the guidance in thinking and acting or as guidance in all aspects of life both personal and public life. While in the strict sense, ideology refers to the guidelines in both the thinking and acting or guidelines to live in certain areas such as the State ideology.
     State Ideology is ideology in the sense of a narrow or limited. State ideology is the ideology of the majority people that have consensus about the State's basic values ​​to be created through the life of that State. State Ideology is often referred to as a political ideology as it relates to the conduct of social life and state which is nothing but political life.      State ideology of Pancasila is the fundamental idea about how to live in a state belongs to all of Indonesia is not an ideology of a particular regime. As an ideology, Pancasila serves as a national ideology that carried out consistently in the life of the country.
     Pancasila is then selected as the state ideology, should be able to perform its function, which are:
1. Strengthening the unity of the nation because the nation of Indonesia is a pluralistic nation.
2.  Directing the Indonesian people toward the goal and move and guide the nation of Indonesia in carrying out the development.
3. Maintaining and developing national identity and as an encouragement in nation character building based on Pancasila
4.  Become a standard of value in making criticisms about nation and State condition. Fit the changing times and demands of society, the Pancasila ideology supposedly able to be open. Kinds of open ideology, Pancasila fundamental values ​​such as Divinity, Humanity, Unity, Democracy, and Social Justice is expected to be developed in accordance with the dynamics of the Indonesian people's life and creative demands of the times, taking into account the level needs and the development of Indonesian society itself, and not out of the existence and identity of ba ngsa Indonesia. As an open ideology, Pancasila should provide orientation to the future which requires the Indonesian people to always be aware of the lives that are being and will face, especially the era of globalization and democracy. Pancasila ideology calls for the Indonesian people still survive in the soul and culture of Indonesia and within the bounds of the State unitary Republic of Indonesia.

B. Analysis of Indonesia Recent Condition
     Viewed from the perspective of modernity environment that has the characteristics of liquid modernity in Indonesia, Pancasila has a character level of instability and high uncertainty along with the growing and plural society as the impact of globalization and other ideologies that tried to enter Indonesia. 
     Pancasila as the way of life or way of looking at a nation that certainly different from other ideology, Pancasila ideology which is not a dead, but continues to grow. However, the growth and solidity of Pancasila in answering the challenges of environment and society will re-liquid modernity in humans Pancasila itself.
     Base on modernity liquid theory, the ability to survive a dominant ideology is determined by the level of acceptance and rejection from society itself. Most beautiful values ​​contained in Pancasila, but if the majority of Indonesian people do not understand and apply it as a way of life, then sooner or later the Five Principles will be eroded.
     During the New Order, Soeharto government properly and cleverly put Pancasila as an ideology and worldview of the nation. However, government policies are not in accordance with Pancasila, such as corruption, kronisasi, a totalitarian government. Communities then become resentful or somewhat paranoid with Pancasila, because it identifies the Pancasila by New Order regime that dirty and cruel.
     Resistance by Pancasila has continued until now. People have become allergic when there are activities that smelled of Pancasila. This is because they are afraid to be forced and obtain such oppression of the past. Compare with China that every day that their citizen still fed with the views and values ​​of communism. Although the present of globalization and capitalism into China, but the position of Communism remains unshakable as the foundation ideal state. This is also reinforced by the community bond Communist Party From the center to the village which still trusted by the community.
     Second analysis of the relevance of Pancasila is the ability to solve various problems arising in Indonesian society. When this happens the Pancasila is not an option but needs the Indonesian nation. Public uncertain hold on to the Pancasila because they have trouble answering the previous question, how to overcome the problems such as poverty, inequality, disease, corruption, westernization, and ignorance?
      Pancasila is turned on in the school curriculum, in the General Basic Subjects, commemorated each June 1 and at lavish seminars, but did not mean anything in the midst of social life. Imagine, we go to work using French perfume and and use London clothes, boarded the Japanese-made vehicles, lunch at the American franchise, called the cell phone provider owned by Germany and Singapore, lecture with continental theory, and before bedtime to watch Indian movies.
     The failure of reform that has been done for 13 years, also rocked the system of domestic politics. Where Pancasila finally understood marginalized by others in the current political system that is growing (even off the track / out of the track). So that the values ​​and outlook on life that should be the identity of this nation lost in the grip of uncertainty and confusion. Diliberalkan meaning of democracy that ultimately create the sense of freedom that translates into a wild and barbarian      The third analysis is the limited way of Pancasila itself. As a nation that pragmatism, the Pancasila often associated with its use or function. But on the other hand, Pancasila also has limitations. The first limitation is that Pancasila is the only set of values ​​that cannot move themselves. Pancasila should have hegemony agencies to develop them for the more trusted and believed the Indonesian nation.
A second limitation is the ability to adapt Pancasila with the problems of modernity are increasingly complex. Pancasila is able to answer the question of religious harmony, compliance with law, and social justice. However, whether the Pancasila able to answer contemporary problems such as radicalism based on injustice, relations between countries that are not balanced, the dominance of political parties in national life as is the case at this time, horizontal and vertical social conflicts that frequently occur.
     Seeing this limitation, then the state needs to make a team of experts as facilitators of ability to adapt to change age. If this cannot be conduct, then the Five Principles will continue to be attacked, without any defense at all.

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