Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Analysis of Solo Bombing

Analysis of Solo Bombing
by David Raja Marpaung SI.IP M.Def

Suicide bombings erupted again in Solo. One question that often arises,what role the Islamic mass organizations? This question asked by many observers, both inside and outside the country.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said, while the results of the investigation show that acts of terrorism in Bethel Full Gospel Church (GBIS) Kepunton, Tegalharjo, Jebres, Solo, Cirebon linked terrorist network

Head of State also said the group also considered responsible for acts of terrorism in the mosque complex Mapolresta Cirebon about sixmonths ago.

Meanwhile, Police ensure the suicide bombers in Bethel Full Gospel ChurchKepunton, Solo, Central Java, is Yosepa alias Ahmad Hayat (31), one of the fugitive suicide bombers in the Masjid Adh-Dzikro inCirebon City Police Headquarters. Police were still steeped linkage suicide bombings in Solo with events and findings of a bomb blast in Ambon last few days.

It's worse, RI State Police stated there are still seven bombs in the hands of four active players on the list of people searches (DPO) in behind the suicide bombers in Cirebon and Solo.

Reaction of Islamic Mass Organisation

There are among those who judge the Islamic mass organizations did not dare to speak out about the actions of the terrorists. They wanted, if it deemed unfounded terrorism from the substance of the teachings of Islam, Islamic organizations should unequivocallydeclare terrorism a common enemy. Actually, this attitude has been carried out by moderate Muslim groups, but still restricted from those who are often dubbed as the liberal group. Has not been followed openly by the majority who joined in the mass Islamic organizations.
Last decade a growing number of movements claiming to beIslamic group''that most of Islam ". Starting up a radical patternedpatterned liberal. The groups that are active in this claim is actuallya minority, but his movement is worth the "news", then theescalation of a broader opinion. This group is very critical to the development of Muslims. While the majority of Muslims over many chose silence.

Silence of the Islamic mass organizations in the middle of race-induced anxiety can lead to multiple interpretations of terrorist groups. First, they agree to part or all of the demands of minoritygroups. This means there is a conspiracy between majority andminority groups.
Secondly, they were helpless and did not dare to take over the claim because, perhaps, mainstream Islamic institutions such asthe Islamic mass organizations and the characters are so large subsystems of the system that led to the birth of humanmis management. This suggests the occurrence of such an inferiority of the majority.
Third, because the majority of Muslims do not know what to do.They, like Clifford Geertz says, the confusion because the future isarriving early to prepare beyond their speed resulting in what iscalled multiple shock within them. This means that the vision of a minority group in the future prepares people more readily than themainstream Islamic mass organizations.
Fourth, they realize his position as simalakama, then regarded as the best answer still thinking about a more constructive solution.This means that mainstream groups do omission history proceedswithout clear guidelines.
Fifth, the group incorporated in the mainstream Islamic mass organizations are liquid with its pragmatic interests of each. The important thing yourself and your family safe, job / employment can be maintained, while still maintaining their individual piety. Their descriptions of jihad depends on who's facing. Sometimes theydescribe jihad sometimes rationally and emotionally. If so, is goinghipokritisasi in the body of Islamic mass organizations. Hipokritas society is much more severe consequences than hipokritasindividual.

Why church? 

In general, the presence of radical Islamic groups is not considered a threat by Christian groups in Solo. However, at some level of resistance was rarely appears in its various expressions in response to the growing radicalism of certain religious groups.Proselytizing and religious harassment issues often trigger tensions between religious groups such relationships. 

For example, the Surakarta Islamic Youth Front (FPIS) strongly protested a priest because it is considered insulting the Prophet Muhammad in a talk show on radio in 2000. Ramadan month ago, the MUI Solo asked the usual church held a joint iftar to cease their activities even though this practice has been going on an annual basis. 

However, the action this time can be regarded as an exception.Terrorists deliberately planned and carried out a suicide bombing at a church in the middle of the city that had relatively no problems with the Muslims. To consider further the reasons and motives if any Muslim group in Solo, which can excuse the perpetrator's actions. Especially if the offender later found evidence of "foreign" (wong njobo). President Yudhoyono has confirmed it when the press conference. Target the church is not its primary purpose. 

In the end, one thing to be learned from the tragedy of suicide bombings in Solo, also in Cirebon Mapolresta mosque last April, is that terrorism is not merely religious issue. Regrettably, the government has allowed the existence of conditions that allow violence and terror continued. There is no strong political will to break the chain of violence.