Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Urgency of Minimum Essential Force Program

                                          The Urgency of Minimum Essential Force Program
                                                              By David Raja  Marpaung

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has set a revitalization program and military modernization called Minimum Essential Force (MEF) or minimum posture of defense force in 2009. This program runs in three phases. The first phase was in 2009 to 2014 in the second phase from 2015 to 2019, and the last phase in 2020-2024. With the change of government this year, it will be a question and widely reported in both the national and international environment; whether this MEF program will be continued? This becomes very crucial due to the condition of military weapons system that has not been there rejuvenation, as well as the balance of military power with neighboring countries are more distant shot of a military force, coupled with the potential for conflict over the control of the South China Sea region.

MEF is the Minimum Strength

From the name alone program called Minimum Essential Force or posture / minimum defense force, this means that the result of the modernization of defense equipment is the minimum force necessary to keep the unity of the Republic of Indonesia. One example is the minimum, to maintain the strength of combat aircraft ideally eastern Indonesia is one kuadron main class fighter, and two squadrons of the first class. In terms; Eastern Indonesia must be guarded by a squadron of Sukhoi SU-30 fighter-class and two squadrons of F-16. But now the focus of the new government would equip a squadron of Sukhoi in Makassar.
Another example is, to protect the sea area of ​​Indonesia that reaches 3.28701 million km2, it is ideally required 12 pieces submarines. But the military now has only two German-made submarines in 1981 namely KRI KRI Cakra Nangalla 401 and 402, and are waiting for a new three-class submarines Changbogo made ​​in Korea. 
For the army, it is common knowledge that concentrated alutsistanya very poor condition. Weapons technology still relies on the ability of first-generation fighter that still rely on human sebgai main strength. Whereas in developed countries and neighbors such as Malaysia and Singapore, Army combat power they have powers that rely on third-generation warfare weapons technology and Information technology. Even for Singapore, they had reached the army for war generation technology keempa, ie, asymmetric warfare and the use of non-linear entire infrastructure and weapons systems, which aimed to destroy the will to fight the enemy
Thus, even if the target is achieved MEF modernization, it can be said of our military forces actually still within the region to secure the rule of course. It is linear with the statement that the President several times stated that the defensive strength of the Indonesian military or defense, and not offensive or attack.

Budget priorities

Why is the government declared a minimum? This is due to limited funds and also priorities in the government's development program. Development in the defense sector in the development with very different economic sectors, as well as health. Military construction basically not directly perceived by society, but actually price of a sovereignty and security of the invasion, spying, sabotage, or actual alien invasion is very expensive.
This is very different from the field of economic development that can be directly perceived by the community, for example with employment, increase income, up to the amount of savings that continues to grow. So also in the health sector are highly visible such as the construction of hospitals and health centers, provision of medical equipment is modern, up to the existence of professional doctors to provide maximum health care for Indonesia.
However the real budget development priorities can not be easily simplified. Must be seen that the long-term benefits to be received, as well as recognition as a sovereign state that is not paid.
When viewed from its budget, the Indonesian defense budget is currently at $ 83 trillion is only about 0.8 to 0.9 percent of total gross domestic product. And ideally, the defense budget in developed countries is in the range of 2 percent of GDP. Compare this with Singapore's defense budget, which reached 3.3 percent of GDP.
The low defense budgets led to efforts to achieve MEF increasingly difficult. In fact, if MEF really want to happen then, ideal conditions the development of Indonesia's defense budget in the next five years is expected to range between 3-4 percent of GDP.

Benefits of MEF

Is ultimately, all Indonesian people will ask; whether the benefits of the modernization program of defense equipment with the funds of such magnitude in a period of 15 years. Is that so much money is just to show off the power only, or are there more benefits to be received.
The first benefit is the empowerment of military modernization and border management, as well as the outermost small islands. Thus there is no longer annexation by neighboring countries, theft of marine resources by foreign fishermen, as well as the existence of sovereignty in outer lines of our oceans.
Both benefits are independence of defense equipment. Some types of defense equipment procurement obligates the transfer of technology (Transfer of Technology / ToT), or also a joint production (Join Productions). The Government through the Ministry of Defense to encourage the growth of domestic industry, especially the defense industry, in collaboration with several developed countries are planning to make submarines, surface ships, and certain modern fighter aircraft. Thus in the future, Indonesia can maintain and produce the defense equipment by self. This has been done by several defense industry companies, including PT Pindad, PT Air Indonesia, and PT PAL
Third is the economic development benefits of defense. Another goal of the program is Indonesian MEF not only be consumers of the tools of war, but it will be the producers of these weapons. With the development of strategic industries in the country, then this will provide employment and generate income for the country. Indoenesia also be known as a producer of technology, rather than simply as a recipient of foreign technology alone.
Looking at the existing benefits, it turns out in the end with a good management of the defense budget, will drive the wheels The real economy of Indonesia. Reflecting the developed countries like USA and UK, they actually get a huge foreign exchange from selling weapons and defense technology to other countries.

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